Imagination is an essential element in the early years of a child's life.

July 16, 2024

Imagination is an essential element in the early years of a child's life.There are many parents who have always been concerned with the development of imagination and the implementation of this in the educational process of their children. Today we know that imagination is the ability to conceive innovative ideas, projects, or creations. Imagination is an element necessary in the lives of our children, which has multiple benefits in the development of their minds. Through imagination, our children can better understand the world around them, make abstract analyses, idealize, and even better represent and understand historical events.

However, although children's interests vary, the development of their imagination in general up to five years go through similar processes and stages. Initially, they will give him or her roles imaginative to their toys thus turning them into animated toys.  They will create stories and situations where their toys will be true protagonists of the use of imagination. In a later stage, the child grants some attributes of themselves or their parents to the toys, soon the child begins to relate to his environment and through the game begins to reason.

Parents must be involved in the educational process and play of their children. They must dedicate time to get to know their concerns and characteristics since each child is developing their personality. 

Layla's Little Neighborhood creates a space where the development of imagination is a priority. As our slogan states, “Where imagination lives” we truly understand the importance of our children growing up in a healthy and stable environment. We have made it our goal that through play our children find a safe, healthy, and educational place where they can fully use their imagination. 

Indoor Play - Imaginative Play - Play Indoors - Imagination - Play Center - Educational - Indoor Activities - Outdoor Activities - Toddler Time - Indoor Activities - Creativity - Imagination - Child Play - Family - Engage - Parents - Toddlers - Babies - Play - Community - Party - Laugh - Enjoy - Friends - Children - Indoor Playground - Learn - Celebrate - Happy - Socialize - Fun - Development - Motor Skills - Sensory - Playspace - Kids - New Friends - Utah County 

3 Summer Tips and the Benefits of Indoor Play

Jun. 27, 2024

It's the season of beach outings, barbecues, and backyard fun. But as the mercury soars, staying cool becomes a challenge, and the risk of sunburn, dehydration, and heat exhaustion increases. This is where indoor play comes to the rescue, offering a safe and refreshing alternative to keep the fun going. Let’s explore some essential summer tips to stay cool and delve into the many benefits of indoor play.

Summer Tips to Stay Cool

1. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Dehydration can sneak up on you, especially when you're active or spending time outside. Drink water throughout the day, infuse your water with slices of citrus fruits, cucumber, or mint for a refreshing twist. Keep that water bottle handy.

2. Seek Shade and Avoid Peak Sun Hours

The sun’s rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. If you need to be outside, try to find shady spots or create your own shade with umbrellas or canopies. Sunscreen is also a must – choose a broad-spectrum SPF of at least 30 and reapply every two hours, or more often if you’re sweating or swimming.

3. Cool Down with Water Play

Water activities are a fantastic way to cool off. Whether it’s a dip in the pool, a trip to the water park, or a simple backyard sprinkler, playing in water can be both refreshing and fun. Always remember safety first – never leave children unattended near water.

The Benefits of Indoor Play

While outdoor activities are synonymous with summer fun, indoor play offers a cool and safe haven from the heat. Here are some compelling reasons to incorporate more indoor play into your summer plans:

1. Climate Control

The obvious benefit of indoor play is escaping the heat. Air-conditioned environments provide a comfortable setting where you can play without the risk of overheating or sunburn. Whether it’s a game of indoor basketball, a visit to an indoor park, or simply playing board games at home, indoor activities keep you cool and safe.

2. Boosts Creativity and Imagination

Indoor play often involves activities that stimulate creativity and imagination. From crafting or painting to engaging in imaginative role-playing games, children (and adults) can explore their creative sides in the comfort of their homes or play centers. Visits to indoor play centers can be excellent opportunities for socializing and making new friends.

3. Flexibility and Convenience

Indoor play is not subject to weather conditions, making it a reliable option regardless of rain, excessive heat, or air quality issues. You can plan indoor activities without worrying about sudden weather changes disrupting your plans. Plus indoor play areas are often designed with safety in mind, featuring soft surfaces and protective barriers that reduce the risk of accidents.

Combining indoor and outdoor activities can create a well-rounded, enjoyable, and healthy summer experience. Embrace the benefits of indoor play and find creative ways to stay active and entertained, no matter how high the temperatures soar. Happy summer!

Indoor Play - Summer Play - Play Indoors - Hot Summer Fun - Play Center - Park - Indoor Activities - Outdoor Activities - Toddler Time - Indoor Activities Creativity - Imagination - Child Play - Family - Engage - Parents - Toddlers - Babies - Play - Community - Party - Laugh - Enjoy - Friends - Children - Indoor Playground - Learn - Celebrate - Happy Summer - Socialize - Fun - Development - Motor Skills - Sensory - Playspace - Kids - New Friends - Utah County 

Why a birthday celebration is important to a child.

Mar. 5, 2023

Celebrating a child's birthday is a big deal and can be tons of fun for everyone involved. It's a special day that allows the child to feel extra loved and important. Plus, it's a great excuse to have a party and indulge in some cake and treats. More than that, celebrating a child's birthday is an opportunity to mark another year of growth and progress. It's a time to reflect on how much the child has accomplished and how far they've come.

Birthdays can also create some of the best memories. From the balloons and decorations to the gifts and games, the whole day is full of exciting moments that the child will remember for years to come. Plus, it's a chance for friends and family to get together and have some fun. It's a great way for the child to connect with others and develop important social skills like communication and sharing.

But celebrating a child's birthday isn't just about having a good time. It's also a time to teach the child about gratitude and kindness. By receiving gifts and attention, the child can learn to appreciate the value of giving back and being grateful for what they have. Overall, celebrating a child's birthday is an important occasion that can bring joy, create memories, and help the child grow and develop into a happy and healthy adult.

That's why at Layla's Little Neighborhood we go the extra mile to make our service exclusive and tailored to each child's preferences. Our goal is to ensure that every child and parent has the best experience possible and leaves with unforgettable memories. 

So, if you're looking for a safe, magical, and wonderful environment to celebrate your child's birthday, come to Layla's Little Neighborhood. We'll make sure your child feels like a superstar on their special day!

Birthday Party - 1st Birthday - 2nd Birthday - 3rd Birthday - 4th Birthday - 5th & 6th Birthday - Toddler Birthday - Baby Shower - Gifts -   Imagination - Child Play - Family - Engage - Parents - Toddlers - Babies - Play - Community - Party - Laugh - Enjoy - Friends - Children - Dream - Learn - Celebrate - Accomplishments - Socialize - Fun - Development - Motor Skills - Sensory - Playspace - Utah County 

How Layla's Little Neighborhood came to be.

Jan. 30, 2023

Layla's Little Neighborhood is a dream come true, more so now than ever before. It's the dream of a little girl who always wanted to have her own play area to share with her friends and family. As she grew older, she gained the means to finally manifest her dream in Layla's Little Neighborhood. Now as a mother of three, she wants to share her vision with them and all of the children in the community.

Today, our children have their eyes glued to a mobile phone or lost in a TV, whether we like it or not. Their playtime is virtual, limiting the development of their psycho-motor skills. This is why a space like LLN is necessary, where children can develop their imagination and social skills through play, where cordiality and learning go hand in hand, and most importantly a place to have fun and celebrate with family and friends.

Most recently, the Layla's Little Neighborhood indoor playground business idea was chosen as a winner, out of two hundred applicants, in a business pitching competition at the POSIBLE HTX Entrepreneurs Summit powered by Univision and Televisa, two major spanish speaking television networks. This accomplishment motivated us to continue developing this beautiful project and above all, it taught us how important it would be for the children of our community. You are welcome to visit Layla's Little Neighborhood, "Where the imagination lives".

Imagination - Love - Family - Engage - Parents - Toddlers - Babies - Play - Community - Party - Laugh - Enjoy - Friends - Children - Dream - Learn - Celebrate - Accomplishments - Socialize - Fun - Development - Motor Skills - Sensory - Playspace - Utah County